On behalf of the Office for Overseas Sri Lankan Affairs (OOSLA), I extend a warm welcome to our fellow Sri Lankans living abroad. As Director General, I am honoured to lead this newly established agency dedicated to fostering a stronger connection between the Sri Lankan diaspora and their homeland.

At OOSLA, we recognize the invaluable contributions of Overseas Sri Lankans (OSLs) to our nation’s socio-economic development. Your expertise, experience, and unwavering support have played a pivotal role in Sri Lanka’s growth and prosperity.

We are committed to fostering a trusted alliance with Overseas Sri Lankans (OSLs) in Sri Lanka to facilitate meaningful engagement. We actively collaborate with 23 Government Stakeholders and our diplomatic missions abroad to address your concerns and interests, forging enduring partnerships that empower you as true partners in Sri Lanka’s progress.

OOSLA’s mission extends beyond financial support. We recognize the wealth of knowledge, skills, and networks that OSLs bring to the table. We are committed to promoting trade and investment opportunities, fostering educational partnerships, facilitating knowledge sharing, supporting philanthropic endeavours, and addressing consular queries.

To further strengthen our engagement with OSLs, we have drafted a bill and initiated discussions on a national policy. This initiative aims to establish a lasting institutional framework that ensures OSLs have a permanent voice in Sri Lanka’s development agenda.

Our website serves as a unique platform for OSLs to reconnect with their motherland and express their desire to be proactive partners in our nation’s progress. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey and become an integral part of OOSLA’s mission for fruitful engagement.

Your individual and collective efforts will undoubtedly benefit not only our OSL community but also contribute to the prosperity of our nation as a whole. We welcome you aboard!

Together, let us embark on a journey of shared prosperity for Sri Lanka and its OSL community.



Director General of OOSLA

